Your weekly dose of design inspiration, resources and awesomeness.
Here are Weekly Wonders 25’s champions:
Web: Wunderkit
Wunderkit is a free tool that enables you to work on group projects in a workspace area. This idea developed by 6Wunderkinder is a place where you can write and share notes, asks and updates. Just invite your friends! They’re still at the Beta version so there’s more to come.
Design: Hallwood
Hallwood aka Seth Hardie is a Canadian graphic artist who has a very impressive portfolio filled with iPhone photos and designs. When you look at his instagram feed, it’s hard to believe how far you can go with a mobile device and he makes it seem as if there are no boundaries. Make sure to check out his work!
Art: Teetering Bulb
Teetering Bulb is an illustration duo from Brooklyn, New York, composed of Kurt Huggins and Zelda Devon. What’s most wonderful about their art is that every work tells a different story, little fictions as they call them. Highly textured and detailed, their illustrations will take you to a world of imagination.
Freebie: Animated Tooltips with CSS3
A few weeks back, Codrops released this awesome free tutorial that shows how to create amazing animated tooltips with CSS3. It’s pretty amazing and could add a dynamic element to your website.
App: Photo Effect Studio – Free
Photo Effect Studio is a free photo editing app that gives has some nice filters and that lets you adjust manually brightness, contrast, saturation, detail and color temperature, features that many apps lack. It’s worth having in your iPhone is you like photography and design.
Check us out next week for more weekly wonders!