Your weekly dose of design inspiration and awesomeness.
Here are Weekly Wonders 21’s champions:
Web: Mostly Lisa
Mostly Lisa is the blog of professional Canadian photographer Lisa Bettany. She is also known for being part of the developer team for the app Camera+ (the best iPhone photography app if you ask me). Her blog is a goldmine for creative people looking to become more serious about photography. She also publishes some nice photo editing tutorials once in a while so it’s worth a look even for designers.
Photo: Ahmed W. Khan
Ahmed W. Khan is a photographer from Pakistan who is passionate about his field of work. His wedding photojournalism project where he takes photos of traditionally garbed women is quite stunning. His photos are rich in color and light, unraveling a reality that is different (for westerners at least) and yet beautiful. Hit his portfolio to marvel at his work.
Art: Zerostop
The young lady named Halisa from Olympia, WA, also known as Zerostop, is one of those artists who make sketches look so damn good it makes me jealous. Her style is rough yet wicked and dynamic, very fun to look at. Check out her DA gallery or her Tumblr to see her work.
Freebie: Filter Functionality with CSS3
Are you a web designer or web developer? If so, this free piece of code will probably interest you. This Filter Functionality comes with a handy tutorial showing you how you can filter in a very elegant manner the elements of a portfolio with CSS3. The effects proposed at fade in/out, size reduction/increment and pop in/out. It’s quite beautifully done so make sure to take a look!
App: Behance Network – Free
Behance Network released an app last week. Wish you could have your portfolio in your pocket? Not an issue anymore! Behance lets you carry your projects, view your stats, profile and feed in a few taps. It’s simple and effective.
Check us out next week for more weekly wonders!