Weekly Wonders 50

Weekly Wonders 50



Your weekly dose of creative inspiration, resources and awesomeness.
Here are Weekly Wonders 50’s champions:


Web: Joquz
Created by Burak Kaynak, Joquz is an inspiration website that features creatives from many fields such as art, design, photography, motion design and more. Keep in your bookmarks to discover on a daily basis creative projects from all over the world.


Igor Sid
Art: Igor Sid
Igor Sid is a talented Russian artist who paints splendid portraits. The subject of his paintings is usually women, brushed in black and white or occasionally in color. Each displays beautiful curves and interesting compositions enhanced by a skillful light and shadow play.


Paul Morel
Design: Paul Morel
Paul Morel is a designer from Gatineau, Canada. Proficient in graphic design and web design, he is versatile and dabbles in logo-making, web interfaces, icons, print and several other domains of design.


Impallari Type
Freebie: Impallari Type
Looking for some nice free fonts for your projects? Impallari Type is a typography resource developed by Pablo Impallari, a passionate typeface lover and self-taught typographer. You will find on his website popular fonts such as Quattrocento, Cabin Font, Lobster Font and many more, finished and/or still being developed as beta typefaces.


Brushes 3
App: Brushes 3 – Free
If you have an iPhone/iPad and you draw, you’ve probably heard of the renowned Brushes app before as it is considered one of the best painting apps out there. Now available for free (99¢ is the fee they ask to get the layers option), it is more available than ever. All you need now is a pen, or your finger… and imagination!


Check us out next week for more weekly wonders!

About the author

Tina Mailhot-Roberge is a graphic designer, illustrator and co-founder of Veodesign. She holds a BFA in Design from Concordia University, Montréal. She loves to help people and wirte about arts, design, web and technology. Find her on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.