Your weekly dose of design inspiration and awesomeness.
Here are Weekly Wonders 14’s champions:
Web: Designspiration
Designspiration is a collection of high quality, user-submitted images forming a great inspiration gallery. From graphic design to print, web design, typography, photography and even illustration, you’ll find everything in there. It’s a link you should definitely have in your bookmarks.
Photo: Matthias Haker
Matthias Haker is a German self-taught photographer who specializes in architecture and interior photography. His photos are quite stunning, especially the ones involving old historical and abandoned buildings. Check out his portfolio for to see his fantastic collection.
Art: Gary Wintle
Gary Wintle is a Canadian artist currently located in Toronto. His body of work is composed of cute and refreshing comic-like illustrations. Take a look at his portfolio and you probably will like what you’ll find there!
Freebie: Fancybox
Fancybox is a tool to display images, HTML content and multi-media in a floating lightbox on your website. Ideal for a gallery, this jQuery app is both easy to use and beautiful. You can also take a look at Fancybox 2 which is free to use for non-commercial projects.
App: Montage – $1.99
Montage is an iPhone app that allows you to create shapes, cut-outs, text and custom rotations, all very interesting for designers and artists who like to work from their phone. The interface is a bit complex to grasp but the wide range of functionalities it offers are worth the learning curve.
Check us out next week for more weekly wonders!