5 design blogs we love

5 design blogs we love

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Every morning I wake up and spend the first hour of my day reading news. While my grandparents used to sit down and read carefully each article in their favorite newspaper, taking their sweet time, I devour the news as if it was a race, jumping from one blog to the other, scanning each title and photo, searching for the best of the bunch.

That said, some blogs are better than others– their articles are original, their tutorials helpful and their inspirational posts are actually inspiring. But most importantly, they update their content every day.

Here’s a list of our favorite blogs based on their content, usefulness and originality:

Abduzeedo, created by the renowned Fabio Sasso, graphic and web designer from Brazil, has an incredible collection of tutorials. If you want to learn how to do something with Photoshop or Illustrator, go there; it’s very likely you’ll find what you’re looking for. The Abduzeedo team posts new material several times a day and also has a great selection of inspirational posts featuring designers and artists from all over the world. Finally, they post every Friday free fronts for downloading. It’s a dream come true!

Smashing Magazine
I’m going to be honest and admit I have never read Smashing Magazine’s actual magazine, but their blog is splendid. They publish on a daily basis articles aimed at designers and web developers. What you can find there are inspiration, the latest programming techniques and tips, productivity software, resources, and more.

Web Designer Depot
This blog is another one with great articles. Aimed also at web designers and developers, it hosts articles about branding, user interface, programming news and technologies, freebies and more. They also have something that most other design news sites don’t have: articles about visualization, psychology and design principles. You learn something new every week.

Powered by TestKing, TechKing publishes (almost) every day articles, resources and tutorials for web developers and designers. Although not all articles are pertinent to experienced designers, beginners should be drawn to this blog as it aims to help its readers learn Photoshop, HTML, CSS and other web technologies.

NetTuts and PSDTuts
Looking for daily tutorials for programming and designing? TutsPlus offers a vast selection of tips, tutorials and articles about just any software and programming language you can think of. NetTuts and PSDTuts are the most interesting sections of this massive tutorial collection if you are a web designer.

You think we left some awesome design blog out of this list? Please tell us by leaving a comment with a list of your own favorite blogs!

About the author

Tina Mailhot-Roberge is a graphic designer, illustrator and co-founder of Veodesign. She holds a BFA in Design from Concordia University, Montréal. She loves to help people and wirte about arts, design, web and technology. Find her on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.